Step 1
Download and Install CC-Helpline KTL mobile App.

Step 2
Find nearest COVID-19 Sample Collection Center & COVID-19 Status Dashboard (Kaithal)

Step 3
Can directly call to concerned person.

Step 4
Can find a List of other available helpline number.
Do you want to find top-5 nearest COVID-19 Sample Collection Center and view COVID-19 Dashboard of district Kaithal?
Download mobile app "CC-Helpline KTL (Version 1.0)"About Us
CC-Helpline KTL (version 1.0) is a mobile application provides Covid-19 status Dashboard of district Kaithal and nearest top-5 Covid-19 Sample Collection Center with contact details like contact person(Medical/Paramedical staff) name and contact number.

Other Features of Mobile APP
The objective of this app is to just provide instant information about the nearest facility available for Covid-19 sample test and last updated Covid-19 status report of district Kaithal.
- Covid-19 status report contain Confirmed-cases, Active-cases, Recovered-cases, Deceased-cases, Recovery-rate, Fatality-rate, Active patient (Home isolation, Facility isolation, Admitted to Hospital) and Hospital Beds Report.
- User can directly call to concerned person through this app.
- App will automatically fetch the user current location on network basis, user do not require to active the GPS on their mobile.
- If app will not be able to find current location instantly then a message will display to 'use this app with last known location'. Last known location will be almost nearly to current location.
- Refresh location button also present in this app.
- List of other helpline number is also available which can be access by using Menu -> Helpline.
- User can update the mobile app by using Menu -> Update App.